Homeward Bound – Song Download

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Roger Ilott and Penny Davies of Queensland, Australia, sent this song (and many others) to Gordon in trade for royalties. The pictures ring true to the waters and vessels he’s seen, and it speaks well of the trust sailors gave the old vessels, no matter how hard set they were. Gordon deliberately changed only one line: “When we’ve dropped the deep-sea pilot o’er the rail.” He says, “I know we ‘drop the tugs’ and I’ll take the ‘deep-sea pilot’ on faith (not having sailed in Australian waters), but with the exception of certain ‘State Pilots,’ dropping the chap over the rail still seems a bit harsh.” Poem by D. H. Rogers, music by John Broomhall.

Cellamba: Gordon; 12-String Guitar: Cindy

Homeward Bound

Minimum Price: $1.49

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