The Toolbox Exercises for Finger Coordination, a supplement to the book The Essential Tin Whistle Toolbox, is comprised of written transcriptions and audio recordings of 38 exercises for tin whistle, composed and performed by Grey Larsen. It also includes introductory and explanatory text.
The recordings feature a metronome click in the left channel and Grey playing tin whistle in the right channel. Using your left-right balance control, you may control the relative loudness of these two elements, or eliminate either element altogether.
The ability to move various combinations of fingers in precise coordination and synchronization is essential for good tin whistle playing. This ability involves not only combinations of fingers of one hand or the other, but often fingers of both hands.
If you are a beginner, gaining these skills may seem daunting to you, but in time and with practice, such coordination and dexterity will become second nature. If you are an intermediate player, you may wish to use these exercises to improve your finger coordination skills.
These 38 exercises are designed for the development of such finger coordination. Due to space limitations, it was not possible to include them in the book (with audio files) The Essential Tin Whistle Toolbox.
The text and transcriptions take up thirty-three 8.5 x 11 inch pages.
This downloadable product contains the following:
- One zip file, 28 megabytes
- The exercises in music notation, and the text, in one Adobe Acrobat (PDF) file
- Recordings of the exercises, as MP3 filesPlease note:
- A broadband internet connection is recommended for downloading a zip file of this size.
- If you like, you may print out your own copy of the text and exercises, and burn the MP3s to your own CDR.
This physical product contains the following:
- One spiral bound booklet of 33 pages
- The exercises in music notation, and the text
- Recordings of the exercises as a free downloadable zip file.
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